02 July 2009

When webbing becomes a problem.

I googled some blogging topics because I've been having "blogging block" the past few days...So here is a topic I've come across: When webbing becomes a problem.
When does using the internet become a problem? I will honestly say that I'm addicted to the internet. I have a hard time without being able to check my Myspace or my Facebook during the day; therefore I have it on my phone. I don't usually update my information on my phone but I am addicted to looking at it.
Why is it that when we're away from our computers that we NEED to be able to check these sites? When is enough, enough? Do people use these websites to occupy their "alone" time because they don't feel comfortable just being by themselves? What ever happened to just reading a book, going for a walk, scrapbooking, watching a good movie, or even having a good conversation? I know that when I check my Myspace there are a few people that update their status by the hour (some even by the 1/2 hr mark). Isn't that pushing the limits a little? I know that I don't reallllllly have much room to talk but I don't update it THAT often, do I? :)
What's everyone's opinions? I'm going to T.R.Y. to do this more often (just find random topics to discuss...) if this bothers anyone let me know!! :)


Amber said...

Bryan always tells me I'm on the computer too much...and really I am. It's weird, because I remember the times before myspace, facebook, and blogger and I found other stuff to do and now I just feel any extra time with this....

Amber said...
