25 March 2009

The past week...

I went to the doctor on Friday of last week due to some sharp pain in my side and come to find out I had a severe kidney infection, UTI and a bladder infection. On top of that my period. Ugh. I am starting to get better, thanks to my wonderful friends Melissa, Spring & Alisha. :) I have more uckkkkky! :( Again, thanks to my wonderful friends here that have been helping to take care of me! If it weren't for them here I don't know what I would have done with Cameron being gone. I also want to thank EVERYONE for all of the prayers that I have recieved. They have definitely helped so much in my progress!
So, Cameron has been gone to CAX and is due to come back sometime within the 2nd week of April. I can't wait until he comes home! I feel as if it has already been a month.
As for my weigh in. I know that I am slacking but since I've been sick my weight has fluctuated soooo much and I haven't been able to work out so I have decided to put that off until I am able to go back to the gym and start working on my fitness again! I have definitely started drinking MUCH more water and I have decided once this infection goes away I'm going to limit myself to one soda a day. NO MATTER WHAT. I've decided that will definitely help with loosing weight and it will make me a much healthier person.
I am in the process of trying to quit smoking. It has taken me a while to tell anyone this because I don't want the pressure of disappointing anyone. I am still smoking but I'm cutting back as much as possible and trying to slowly quit!
Cameron and I are coming home in less than a MONTH!!! :) We'll be home April 24th and leave on April 29th to return to Hawaii.
I just wanted to give a brief update on life the past few weeks but I am going to run! :) I am watching the movie Twilight, again, because it is definitely the best movie ever created!!! =)

11 March 2009

My life since February...

Things have been going great! =) We got rid of our "bug" problem in our house up until this week. I am going to bug bomb the house again next week to hopefully get us through until we move into our new house in June. Wouldn't that be great? If it does not work I will continue to bomb the house on a monthly basis if need be. All of the ants and roaches are coming to our housing because of all the construction and because all the houses they used to live in are no longer there. Uck.
I am still working on getting Pablo house trained. He seems to be doing much better except in his crate. I have made the crate so small that he only has room to lie down but he still pee pee's in it. He has stopped pooping in the crate, KNOCK ON WOOD, but he apparently doesn't mind sitting in his own pee until I get home to change the towel out. I have tried not using a towel but then he shivers he is so cold. :\ What to do what to do! :)
Cameron is in CAX, 29 Palms California, until around the 1st or 2nd week in April. I am going CRAZY!!! :) He just left this past Saturday and it already feels as if it has been a week and a half! lol! I guess this is just getting me prepared for when he leaves for Afghanistan. I will be able to handle it though because I am learning to become independent while he is away!
I no longer work for Tumble Bus, it was just not for me! I have been hired on base working approximately 40 hours a week and getting paid more than tumble bus. I will be working at the Marine Mart (The 7 day store) as a "deli worker." I am still not sure what the job entales but I am very interested to find out! I have been going to orientation classes all week and have been bored to death! lol! I had to get a TB test for the job which I go get checked tomorrow. I hope that it comes out good because it looks awfully red and swollen to me. :\ I've had this happen before though where it comes back that I have it and then have to get other tests to show that I do not! The best thing is to think positively! :)
I have also decided, just FYI, I'm going to start blogging more! I have been slacking, very badly, and need to catch everyone up on my daily life! :)

Weighing In #1

So, I have really enjoyed reading Ashley's blogs about loosing weight and since I am trying to loose weight as well, I figured this would be the best way! =)
I have been going to the gym, every day so far, with Spring & Melissa since the guys left on Saturday of this past weekend. I didn't weigh myself before starting but I did weigh myself today and I weighed in at 152.6. My overall goal is to weigh 120lbs. as I did before I started gaining all the weight that I have the past few months (years). I believe that is a healthy weight and I felt much more in shape at that weight.
I have stopped eating fast food and I have quit buying junk food for the house. I have already fallen back on this category this week by buying a No Bake cheesecake, which is my absolute favorite. I have decided once it is gone that will be all though! :)
I am going to put below my goals & rewards for achieving those goals!
By April 1st I would like to be at 142.6 (lose 10 lbs.) This gives me a little less than a month to achieve this goal. This will be before Cameron returns from CAX and I would like to impress him by loosing some weight. Once this goal is reached I will buy a new outfit to wear when Cameron comes home!
By April 15th I would like to lose an additional 2.6 lbs. putting me at 140.0 lbs. - This will be before going home to visit my family and friends that I haven't seen since October. Once this goal is reached I am going to get a weeks worth of tanning in Kaneohe (money allowing since it is $70 for a month to tan...therefore the weekly price will very likely be high).
This leaves me with 20 lbs. to lose. I am giving myself until Cameron returns from Afghanistan to lose the rest of the 20 lbs. so it will be more spread out than the first 15 pounds. I am going to allow for a little weight gain while at home for the week because I will not have access to a gym and will probably be drinking a few beers with the friends! =) The last few days before Cameron leaves for Afghanistan I am going to allow to spend as much time as possible with him so I will just be working on eating healthy and going to the gym as time allows. After he leaves I am POSITIVE me and my girls will get back into our routine! =)
By May 31st I would like to see another 5 lbs. fall off. This will put me at 135.0 lbs. which is what I used to weigh before I gained a lot of weight. Once this amount of weight has magically fallen off of my body I am going to buy myself a new bathing suit for the summer months in Hawaii! :)
By June 30th I am going to loose another 5 lbs. putting me at 130.0 lbs. Once I have achieved this goal I will buy yet another new outfit to make myself feel great for loosing the weight! =)
By July 30th I will loose another 5 lbs. This will put me at 125.0 lbs. Once I achieve this goal I will know that I am only 5 lbs. away from my overall weight goal! I will not get myself anything for this achievement because I am going to save that money to use for my overall weight goal achievement!!!
By August 30th I will loose my last 5 lbs. and will be weighing in at 120.0 lbs. :) For this I will buy 2 new outfits, one for myself to wear out in public and one lingerie outfit for when Cameron comes home! :)
I intend to do all of this by working out on a regular basis and by eating much more healthy foods! :) I have never made a weight loss goal before so I am not too sure if I am asking to lose too much weight too fast? If anyone thinks so please let me know so that I can adjust my plans!! :) I would LOVE to get moral support so if anyone has any that would be great!!! :)

10 March 2009


I am trying to change my blog layout and I don't want to download one. :\ I just want to be able to copy and paste the code the way you do on Myspace. Does anyone know if this is possible? Thanks! :)