28 September 2009

Please press 1 for English...

I do realize that I'm ex-TREMELEY frustrated right now but come on. When I call customer support I've already had it up to HERE with the problem and I just want it fixed as do most of us since, of-course, customer support if the LAST resort. Now when I call customer support and they speak english and I can understand what they're saying it's still confusing enough to get something fixed. In the situation that I had tonight and they speak English but you can't understand a damn WORD of it....UGH. COME ON. I've already done everything I can, PLEASE at-least if I press the 1 for English, give me someone who SPEAKS IT. GRRR. I'm sorry everyone but I'm really ticked off about this right now.

On a good note, today was my Mom & Dad's 25th Wedding Anniversary! :) I hope they have a great time in the mountains!!! <3 you both!

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