24 September 2009

Can't sleep...

thanks to this new medicine that the Dr. has me on I swear my insides are at 200 degrees F. AHHH!! :) Even though I can't sleep, some great things have come out of tonight! :)

1. I got to talk to my hunny for like an hour! YAYY!!! That's about the longest conversation we've had since he's been gone. He's doing great. He sounds great and he laughed a lot! :) It was absolutely WONDERFUL just to hear his voice. It made my day much better, especially after the past few days I've had!

2. I've learned that something I've wanted for a while is going to come TRUE!!! :) <3>

3. I've come to realize who my true friends are and which ones never were. I am glad to know that now!

4. I know that I have an AMAZING husband, an amazing family and amazing friends who are always there for me and who always have my back.

5. I am praying that I will have every Sunday off from work so that I can start going back to church because I realize how much I've missed it since I took a job working on Sundays. Or maybe since I started going out and partying on Saturdays, either way, it's time to get back into church and get my relationship back with God. :) <--& hopefully Cam will go with me when he returns home!

6. After talking to Cameron we both realized that our credit cards will all be paid off in less than a YEAR! :) <3>

7. I have been living in Hawaii almost a year and Cameron and I have been married almost a year. I can't believe how fast it's gone. It's been one of the best years of my life. I've learned so much that I never thought I would have learned about myself. I've learned that I'm stronger than I've ever thought I was, I know that no matter what I can stand on my own two feet and I never have to depend on another human being, although that comfort is nice. I've come to learn that I can be by myself and I don't ALWAYS need someone to be there by my side. That's what God is for! I've come to realize that there is a time to grow up and I think I've come to that point in my life and I can't wait to grow up with Cameron. I can't wait for the two of us to have a life together, outside of the USMC, and get to spend the rest of my life with him.

8. I have the BEST support group there is and I wouldn't trade anyone in it for the world!


9. I am going to be an AUNTIE to a NIECCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCE! :) How EXCITING? <--I know I already told everyone but I'm JUMPING inside to tell it to the WORLD! lol!


Amber said...

aww, this is sweet!

You are definitely a strong woman and it's good to learn that you can make it without having someone around you all the time. It has to be hard to be away from a lot of the people you love, but through it all you have realized all of this! You should be very proud! :)

Hope time flies until you see your hubby!

Stacy said...

You are totally cute!!! I really miss you tons and I can not wait for you to come home!!!! I am glad that things are going great and that you are able to talk to Cameron for a long while, you need that!!! Congrats on going back to school... i hope that it works out you deserve that much!!! i love you bunches!