14 August 2009

Quote of all quotes :)

"Give me the greatness of heart to see the difference between duty and his love for me. Give me understanding that I may know, when duty calls him he must go. Give me a task to do each day, to fill the time when he's away. Lord, when he's in a foreign land, keep him safe in your loving hand, and Lord, when duty is in the field, please protect him and be his shield. When deployment is long, be with me & keep me strong!" ---

I found this on a friends Facebook (FB) page and I REALLY love it. It is a great quote and just wanted to share it with all of you. I plan to be back blogging this weekend! I'm off until TUESDAY after 1 o'clock this afternoon, YaY! :) Sooo, hopefully I'll be catching up. There's been a lot going on so it'll be interesting to see if I can get it all down without missing anything!

Have a great day/weekend and I love and miss you all!!


Amber said...

love that quote! :)

Laura said...

Very Sweet quote! I'm sure that does mean alot to you! Yay..... I'm glad you'll be back.... blogging world has missed you!