01 August 2009


Pablo has finally stopped barking at me all night while he's in his crate. He doesn't even whine when he has to go in it when I leave anymore & I N.E.V.E.R thought that would E.V.E.R. happen.

I guess he's finally gotten used to it & I thought that it would be great that he doesn't bark anymore. The only thing is, now I'm worried he's not breathing or he's sick again. HELP. What on EARTH will I be like when Cameron and I have children?? I'll be the "worried to death" mother who is at the E.R. every other night yelling at the desk lady to "get my baby in there now, it's dying." I can already see it...Cameron will probably think I'm just a crazy ole' hag! :)

Anyway, it's amazing to not have to hear any barking anymore it definitely makes for a much more peaceful time when it's time to sleep!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Glad he is learning to be alone. That is the hardest thing to teach an animal and/or child. Remember, that is what they make baby monitors for. You can turn it up loud enough to actually "hear" your baby breathing. You will be an excellent Mom. And worrying is your job, so you are going to be the BEST. :0) Love you, Mama.

Amber said...

glad to hear he isn't barking anymore! i'm sure that makes things a LOT more peaceful!

Jessica said...

I remember when Bailey stopped whining in the night! It is SUCH a relief - but no, nothing is wrong with him. He'll actually start to LIKE his crate now! Yay Pablo!

Ashley said...

Glad he's not barking anymore! I'd go insane!