13 January 2009


Cameron is on the Big Island for the next 2 weeks for PTA training and I've been staying with my good friend Melissa until her husband and Cameron get back. We're having fun but really miss our husbands!

My car is due to be here by 01/20 and I'm really looking forward to it getting here. I found out today though that I have to get it registered in Hawaii which really stinks because it's $168 to register the car here...uck. Oh-well! I'm hoping that I get to keep the tags once I move back home!!! :] A Hawaii license plate for my Daddy to have!!! :P

Our household goods are due to be here by 01/30 and I'm also looking forward to that. I got everything in working order around here. I got on the "correct" list for housing yesterday. I didn't realize that I was on the incorrect one until I called to see why everything was taking so long. It's fixed though and hopefully we'll get a house on base soon!!

I went for a job interview last week at a Catholic school as a secretary and I'm waiting to hear back about that. It was a nice school and really nice people just a bit of a drive...it's a full time job though and with the economy the way it is right now I don't really have many choices. I also went for a job interview on Monday at the Hawaii Tumble Bus. The tumble bus goes around to preschools and lets the kids get on the bus for like 30 or so minutes and the "aunties" teach them how to do flips and stuff! It was really fun! It is only part time but pays really good so I hope that I get it. It's 2-3 days a week and would be a good help with the income until I can find a full-time position on the island.

I hope that everyone at home is going great!! :] I think that I'm going to go be coming home in SEPTEMBER or OCTOBER!!! :] YEYYY!!!! Can't wait to see everyone! We love and miss you guys like crazy!!!